Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why would a restuarant cut back the hours of its full time workers, and turn around hire more people?

even an idiot can tell you, if you have to cut the hours back on your full time workers, than you shouldnt be hiring more people.

Part-time employees cost less money to a business, in general, than full-time employees because they are working less hours per week %26amp; are likely not receiving any benefits.

I agree that when a business does this that it%26#039;s likely unethical, but some businesses just don%26#039;t seem to care about that. It%26#039;s all about the bottom-line sometimes...

Usually this is a tactic to weed out a few employees that may qualify for extra benefits, worker%26#039;s comp, etc. Sometimes they do this so they can clean the slate, and do some retraining w/o hearing the guff from full time old timers... Maybe they cut back and know a few of you are going to fly the coup. Sometimes they hire a few people to start a hefty crew before summer vacations of final schedules begin. But honestly, 100% of the time they just do it to cut old staff, and bring new staff in at a lower/lesser rate. The rest biz (management) couldn%26#039;t care less about wait-staff...they always end up stabbing you in the back

because the laws are vague, and they find any way they can to make someone%26#039;s life a living hell.

lets face it, if you are poor, the gov%26#039;t isnt going to try to save your job or help you out.

the american system is flawed beyond repair, it pretty much leaves the struggling struggling.

they dont want to make it illegal, because godforbid they make save a human%26#039;s life.

all these family suicides you keep hearing about, are going to be increasing soon....honestly, i applaud them they got away from america once and for all.

and that idiot that said work to get a better job. with what? if your hours are getting cut. no one is hiring and you can barely make ends meet, then how you possibly move up better.

the poor people are the ones that made america what it is.

and the loserish rich and middle class show no gratitude.

i guess one can only pray for sweet death to come knocking soon and end the terror and misery.


I believe your company is reducing full time staff not to pay benefits.

Part-timers do not get the same benefits. Its cheaper for the company to hire part-timers.

You should complain to the Labour Board in the areas where you live.

Write a anonymous letter to check the place out.

Part time people cost less. Part time, you don%26#039;t have to offer them benefits or paid holidays and all the other extra perks full time employees get. So it is usually cheaper for a business to have more part time employees than just a few full time employees. Also, no chance of overtime pay.

Yes, but if you cut back the hours on your full-time staff to below 40 hours per week, then they are not full-time anymore, and you can cut benefits.

True, but it%26#039;s ot illegal. It%26#039;s good business practice. Work at getting a better job.


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